Geo-Fencing is creepy yet magical.
As a consumer, this type of tracking can be kind of creepy, but as a marketer trying to attract consumers, is quite magical.
How much are you on your phone on a day-to-day basis? Now that you answered that question, are you ready for a wakeup call? Download the Moment – Screen Time Tracker app to get the actual truth! Oh, and see what you just did? You picked up your phone for the 89th time. According to analytics firm Flurry, Americans now spend approximately 3 hours per day on mobile devices. Let’s just say smartphone obsession has become a real thing.
We know this, and that is why we are early adopters to this new technology of the coolest digital marketing display tactic in years – Geo-fencing!
A geo-fence is created digitally on a map by creating a custom shape that can be as large or small as you’d like! When consumers enter a geo-fenced area, your ads can be placed to anyone currently in that custom shape, or those who were there within the last 30 days.Ads can be incentives, coupons, reminders, upcoming events or anything else you want!
Did you know that smartphones give apps permission to use location services? What are location services, you ask? Simply put, they are an enablement required by apps to acquire your location for usage. Apps such as maps, weather, camera, games, safari, yelp, mobile banking, and even the apps that you wouldn’t otherwise think require location services.
You may be wondering, “what if I turn location services off?” Sure, you can do that, but the moment you do, you give up a lot of the functionality you’ve learned to love and rely heavily on. Users rarely do this because many of the apps we use on a daily basis require location services. All in all, apps that require location services would not function appropriately if we did not turn on the location setting.
But how accurate is location data? Very accurate, actually! Technology gets better every day and will continue to do so.
Geo-fencing gives you the tools you need to stay ahead of the curve. For example, auto dealerships, real estate companies, and home improvement businesses all use geo-fencing for three main reasons: To target their own physical location, target locations where customers are likely to be, and target competitors’ locations.
Why these three reasons?
You want to target your own business so that you continue to keep those current customers coming back and keep your business at the forefront. You want to target locations your customers are likely to visit such as specific events, downtown, stadiums, schools, and any other similar interest you think makes sense for your business. Lastly, you want to target competitor’s location(s) to make sure the consumer is aware of your company, service or product in hopes of converting them into a sale for you instead of your competitor — conquest targeting!
It is safe to say that geo-fencing is both a powerful and smart way to reach consumers. It is a good tactic to use as part of a varied marketing campaign. With geo-fencing, you are setting your business up to not only stay current but competitive.